How we helped an agency execute the ideal social media strategy for their events

The backstory


Diversified Communications is a leading international media company providing market access, education and information through global, national and regional face-to-face events, digital products and publications. We delivered social media training to two of the UK offices of Divcom to help the sales, marketing and events teams to market their events on social media.

How it went down


Rather than a one-size-fits-all training approach, Divcom's needs were diverse. That's why we suggested a more tailored approach across two workshops where we shared our social media strategy process.

Each team had its specific products to market. We ran through our strategy development process to help each team build and refine their own tailored plan. These plans included content calendars, ad campaigns and measurement techniques to achieve their objectives.

This bespoke approach meant all content was focused on their events and products. Which meant the examples and ideas were relevant and applicable. We built-in practical exercises to ensure attendees left with an actionable plan ready to go.


The results


Tailored social media strategies for several events that have since been effectively executed.

A clear plan for reaching and engaging target audiences within specific niches.

Empowered teams with a newfound confidence in social media.


Here's what they said

"Both Kerry's extensive knowledge and friendly approach, using our own products as examples, really enabled us to get the most out of the training and we came away having built a social media strategy for the coming year! Thank you!"

— Anne Seeberg, Diversified Communications


"I have attended a lot of seminars on social media for events and done more general social media training, and I have never left with this many ideas before. The use of our own cases made it come full circle, and we have already started to action some of the ideas, and it's only the day after! It was very hands-on, and it was great that we quite quickly moved from strategy and objectives to more tangible actions."

— Anne Seeberg, Diversified Communications




Bangor University